UCC - Uniform Commercial Code Online System

UCC Search
Filings completed through 02/04/2025
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Filing Number Lookup
  • Filing Number format (ex: 22-7777777) if after 2001 or (ex: 4444-55555) if before 2001.
Filing Number:
  (the dash "-" is required)
Entity Search Criteria
Filer Type:
Debtor (Primary Only)
Secured Party
Secured Party (Primary Only)
Entity Type:
All Entity Types
Filings Status:
Only Unlapsed Filings
Only Lapsed Filings
Both Unlapsed and Lapsed Filings
Filing Date:
    NOTE: You can narrow or broaden your search results by selecting one of the search name matching options below.
  • Selecting an "Exact Name Match" will only return results where the name matches exactly the name you enter. This option will give you the least but most relevant results.
  • Selecting a "Starts With Name Match" will return any entity whose name begins with exactly the portion of the name you enter. This option will give you more results, with some erroneous matches. The more characters of the name you enter, the more accurate your search results will be.
  • Selecting a "Partial Name Match" will return any entity whose name contains any of the words you enter. This option will give you the most results, however, you will also likely receive the most erroneous matches. The more characters of the name you enter, the more accurate your search results will be.
Search Name Matching Option:
Exact Name Match
Starts With Name Match
Partial Name Match
    NOTE: For individuals, enter the entity name as "Last First Middle", for example "Smith John Mark". If you are using the "Starts With Name Match" option, you can enter "Smith John", which would match the following: "Smith John", "Smith Jonathan", "Smith Jonathan Thomas" and others.
Entity Name: