Home Medical Equipment Service Providers
Fields marked with an * are required.
To access the license renewal application, please supply the license number and Tax-ID for the facility.

While using the application:
  • Companies have until October 31st to renew licenses.
  • A Late Fee will be charged for late renewals beginning September 1st.
  • The company insurance policy number and expiration will be required during the renewal process.
  • Any changes to company information must be approved by the Board and can not be performed online.
    Please call the Board directly at 334-215-3474 with any questions.
  • Before submitting payment, please make sure all information is correct.
  • Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express or e-check (ACH) payments will be accepted for online renewals.
    (service fees will apply).
    License Type Permit Fee
    License Renewal $250.00
    Late Renewal $400.00

  • Once payment is received, your credit card or bank statement will reflect a payment to Alabama Interactive.
  • Please PRINT the receipt page for your records.
Please enter the following information to login.
License Number:
Provider Tax-ID:
(ex: 12-1234567 or 123-12-1234)
Important Note: If there has been a change in any company information (Person In Charge, Ownership, Address Change) a new aplication and a site inspection will be required. The new application and instructions are available at www.homemed.alabama.gov.